2024环球艺术国际设计奖 诞生于2012年,更专业、更权威的国际设计奖项! 环球艺术国际设计奖 Universal Art International Design Award 简称“环艺奖”(缩写UAIDA),诞生于2012年,更专业、更权威的国际设计奖项;作为介入到当代艺术创作贡献的重要推动力量,面向中国(含港澳台地区)、亚太地区、全球范围的华人设计机构、设计师以及美术艺术院校学生的专业性创意设计奖项。致力于用设计深度剖析人类全新的视觉语言,探寻人类设计觉醒的生命源头;将更好的灵感,更好的人类思想,通过设计作品呈现给世界,促进国际艺术设计的交流与合作,推动设计界对全球的影响力。 Abbreviated as Environmental Art Award (abbreviated UAIDA), born in 2012, a more professional and authoritative international design award; As a driving force for contributing to contemporary art creation, it is a professional creative design award for Chinese design institutions, designers and design students in art academies in China (including Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan), the Asia-Pacific region and around the world. Committed to using design to deeply analyze the new visual language of human beings, and explore the source of life of human design awakening; Present better inspiration and better human thinking to the world through design works, promote international art and design exchanges and cooperation, and promote the influence of the design community on the world.
01举办单位 Host Units 主办:环球艺术国际设计奖组委会 特别鸣谢:AGADA、环球赛事网、YISAI中国、设计赛事网、ICOGRADA、环亚竞赛、CEIDA、全球艺赛网、华艺联盟网、香港华人艺术协会、Arting365。
04参赛类别|Competing Category A /视觉传达类(品牌、VI系统、标志、包装、书籍、吉祥物、字体、海报、招贴、插画等) B /产品造型类(各种工业产品的外观、造型、结构、工艺、材料等) C /环境空间类(景观、园林、建筑、室内、展示、规划等) D /服装饰品类(服装、珠宝、染织、面料、鞋帽、佩戴饰品等) E /数字媒体(应用程序、动态图像、网站、动画短片、摄影、其他) F /其他类别(不属于前5类别的,不限具体艺术形式)
10相关申明|Relevant Declarations 参赛者的参赛作品必须是参赛者本人(或团体)的原创作品,如有抄袭他人创意等不符合参赛要求的作品,或作品发生知识产权、版权纠纷等,组委会将取消其参赛资格,并由参赛者承担后果;奖赛相关证书、奖杯将采用到付形式邮递。对本次设计奖规则产生的任何疑议,组委会保留最终解释权,与本次设计奖有关的任何未尽事宜,均由组委会进一步制定规则并进行解释。主办单位拥有入选作品的宣传、出版、发行、展示、展览的权利。 The entry works of the participants must be the original works of the participants themselves (or the group), if there is any plagiarism of other people's ideas and other works that do not meet the requirements for the competition, or the work has intellectual property rights, copyright disputes, etc., the organizing committee will cancel the qualification and the participants will bear the consequences. The organizing committee reserves the right of final interpretation of any doubts arising from the rules of this design award, and any unspecified matters related to this design award shall be further formulated and interpreted by the organizing committee. The organizer has the right to publicize, publish, distribute, display and exhibit the selected works.